sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

The girl with the ukulele

This afternoon I went to sit by the river to read, think, watch the sunset. There was a girl sitting close to me practicing the ukulele. The music made a good soundtrack for the afternoon. It also reminded me of the Waking Life movie, where one of the characters plays the ukulele throughout the movie while talking about the possibility of lucid dreams.

So thinking about dreams I remembered my dream from last night. Characters in the dream kept changing, that is, they were the same person in essence but different on the outside. And the pairings in the dream were very very bizarre, e.g. a girl that was with me in grade school would turn into a guy I used to date, and then he would become a person in one of my classes now. Strange strange stuff.

But going back to the ukulele... I wish I could play.

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